Week 5

Monday * * * Sept. 21

READ Assigned research papers (links to all papers here; refer to printed handout for abstracts and choose ONLY two papers). The WRR&DQ (4) about two of these papers is required and cannot be skipped.

DUE WRR&DQ 4 (see Required Work) -- this covers TWO research papers

ALSO DUE TODAY by 10 a.m. (via e-mail): Your book review selection (see Required Work). Here are the instructions for formatting your e-mail to me:

  1. Subject line of your e-mail to me: "Book Review Selection."
  2. Send me:
    1. Title (complete and accurate, please)
    2. Author
    3. Year published
    4. Publisher
  3. Send ONLY ONE book. DO NOT ask me to pick a book for you!
  4. Use the e-mail address at left.

Please note that the book you select should be directly relevant to your research paper for this course.

Research topic meetings today (no class).

Wednesday * * * Sept. 23

Research topic meetings today (no class).

Notes * * *

Research topic meetings will take place on Sept. 21, 23 and 28.

In your individual research topic meeting, you'll tell me what your topic is, and I'll give you some advice.

About your book selection: Download the PDF relevant to the book review assignment. Please read at least two of the book reviews in that PDF before you select a book.