Week 6
Tuesday * * * Sept. 30
TOPIC Photojournalism: Where to stand and when to press the button. Tips about composition and visual storytelling.
- Blog post #7 @ 10 a.m. Tuesday *
- Blog post #8 @ 10 a.m. Friday
* Make sure your blogroll has been tidied up and enhanced, as discussed in class.
READ Kobré “A” (see the PDF on the Books page). You will NOT be quizzed on Kobré.
WATCH and LISTEN First sign up at News U. It's free.
(1) News U course, The Language of the Image: This will take you about two hours to view in its entirety. You will need to register before you view this. TAKE NOTES. I am particularly interested in the chapter titled "Single Elements": Graphics, Quality of Light, Emotion, Juxtaposition, Mood, Sense of Place, and Point of Entry. Study the images and try to figure out what makes these images special, both in how they look AND how they communicate. NOTE: The sections are buttons at the BOTTOM of the page. MAKE SURE you look at ALL SECTIONS.
(2) News U video, Lessons from a Contest, Inside NPPA 2008, Day Three: Poynter's Kenny Irby talks about photojournalism and audio with Irwin Thompson of The Dallas Morning News. You will need to register before you view this. Length: 15 min.
LAB Explain your team's story to the class. Meet with your team. Preparation and background reporting must be complete. Audio recorders assigned.
Notes * * *
In the coming week, your team will gather all of your audio and shoot all your photos. You will need these in lab next week.
Today's Sites * * *
- A Quiet Night's Menace, audio slideshow by Rick Loomis, L.A. Times, 2007 (NPPA Best of Photojournalism winner, 2008)
- Photojournalism: Journalists' Toolkit