Syllabus Home Page
This course prepares the student to work as a journalist in today's newsrooms where the online and digital platforms are at least as important as the traditional print or broadcast platforms. It is NOT a Web design course. (If you want to learn how to make Web pages, please see the syllabus for MMC 3260.)
The Syllabus Links at right provide more details about this course.
How to Enroll (Spring 2011)
- Enroll in JOU 3101 Reporting. (Only students currently enrolled in JOU 3101 Reporting are permitted to take this course.)
- Go to the Journalism Department office (2070 Weimer) and complete a COURSE REQUEST FORM. Make sure you put the completed form in the correct place so it will be processed promptly.
- You will be enrolled in the course by the Journalism Department office staff. It will show up for you in ISIS after you have been added to a section. NOTE: If you have a hold on your UF account, it is NOT possible to enroll you in the course. So make sure you eliminate any holds BEFORE you submit a COURSE REQUEST FORM.
- If you do not have access to the course in Sakai 36 hours after you have submitted the course request form, please send your full name and UF ID to Professor McAdams (see e-mail link at left).
You must be a JOURNALISM MAJOR to take this course.
You can download a PDF version of the fall 2010 syllabus (4 pages; 92 KB).
Please read about the Required Work. Each week, check the requirements for the following week -- for example, during Week 1, check Week 2 for your assignments due in Week 2.
The course is awarded 1 credit and meets for two periods each week. However, you can expect to do several hours of work outside class per week.
What's your outlook on journalism? Read this: Resolutions for journalism students, part I: Become invaluable
For links to examples of today's multimedia journalism, see the Books page.
This course is taught at the University of Florida in the College of Journalism and Communications. It is open to Journalism majors who are enrolled concurrently in JOU 3101 Reporting. There are no prerequisites.
You will find this course listed under Journalism with the course number JOU 4930.

Required Equipment
Students in this course must own the following equipment by the first week of classes:
- A reasonably up-to-date and fast computer (Mac or Windows).
- A digital audio recorder that saves files in WAV, WMA or MP3 format. The recorder MUST have a MIC jack. It must ALSO be capable of uploading files to a computer via USB. (The Olympus VN-5200PC or VN-6200PC are recommended. They work with Mac or Windows. You might be able to buy one for less than $50.) PLEASE NOTE that recorders made by Sony and RCA DO NOT meet the requirements!
- A digital still camera that meets or exceeds ALL of these specs:
- 7 megapixels or better
- Image stabilization (essential)
- Video at 640 x 480 at 30 fps (absolutely essential); video must include audio
- 3x OPTICAL zoom or better
- 2 GB (gigabyte) high-speed SD card or larger
- USB 2 output
Please see this New York Times column for camera recommendations: Best Bets in Cameras, Under $300
If you do not own ALL of these by Week 1, you can't take the class. You are responsible for your own equipment. No equipment is available to be lent to you.