This graduate-only section of Advanced Online Media Production has one prerequisite: MMC 5015 Survey of Electronic Communications. If you have not completed the prerequisite, you must have permission from the instructor to take the course. Permission depends on your prior Web experience. URLs will be required as evidence of your prior experience.

Learn advanced online skills including site planning and design, optimized image presentation, Flash and databases.

Students must have some proficiency in producing online media when they enter the course. Beginning level HTML, Photoshop and Dreamweaver will not be taught.

Hands-on instruction in Flash MX and database connectivity will be provided.

Students are required to submit a portfolio of their work at the end of the course. The grade for the course depends largely on the quality of the portfolio.

Spring 2004
University of Florida
MMC 6936 Section 8275
Class meets
Monday 5:10 - 6 p.m.
3020 Weimer Hall
Wednesday 5:10 - 7:05 p.m.
3024 Weimer Hall
Instructor: Mindy McAdams
Office: 3049 Weimer
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