Advanced Online Media Production |
Grading > Instructor: Mindy McAdams
Office: 3049 Weimer E-mail: SYLLABUS LINKS |
Your final grade will be determined mainly by the quality of the portfolio you hand in. Several preparatory assignments are intended to help you do a great job on your project. Those assignments will be graded pass-fail.
See the Portfolio page for details about what must be included in your portfolio. The portfolio will be graded on this scale:
Deadlines: Missing a deadline for any assignment (including the portfolio) earns you a zero for the assignment. You can always turn in an assignment BEFORE the deadline. You have responsibility for all deadlines. I will not accept computer failure as an excuse for a missed deadline. Turning in incomplete work is the same as missing the deadline altogether. Instructions for assigned work: You will always receive detailed instructions in advance for each assignment, so you will know exactly what is expected from you. We will go over the instructions during class. If you miss a class meeting, you will need to meet with me to get the instructions. Spelling, grammar and punctuation: I am not your editor, and you are responsible for your own errors. Excessive errors will prompt me to return your work to you and ask you to redo it. There will be no midterm and no final exam in this course. There are no quizzes either! If you have any questions about the policies described on this page, I expect you to ask me for clarification. |