Exercise 3
FOCUS Typography in Photoshop
PURPOSE Show your highest level of skill in creating typographic images for the Web.
VALUE 2 points (see Grading): 1 point for originality and the overall appearance, 1 point for technical proficiency.
DETAILS The exact assignment will be given to you during class. To prepare, you should review these:
- Antialiasing (Photoshop)
- Image Size (Photoshop; Image menu)
- Pixels vs. inches (Photoshop)
- Layer styles (Photoshop)
- "Save for Web" (Photoshop; File menu)
- GIF vs. JPG
I say "review" because all of this was covered in MMC 3260/5015, the prerequisite for this course. If you need help, please come and see me in my office in the week PRIOR TO the lab in which you will complete this exercise.
There are Photoshop tutorials for you linked to the Week 3 page. If these are not enough for you, I expect you to do whatever you need to get up to speed on these basic Photoshop skills.
See a comparison of a GIF and a JPG.