Here are instructions for preparing RealAudio or RealVideo
files for use on the Web. They will stream from ANY Web
server if you use this method.
- Copy your sound or video files (files with the .ra, .ram, .rm or .rpm
extension) to your Web server.
- Use a text editor (such as Notepad or SimpleText) to create a
"metafile" containing a URL to your file. For example, the contents of
your metafile should be in the following form:
- Save your metafile as a plain text file with a .ram file extension.
- In your HTML document, link to the metafile. For example:
<A HREF="filename.ram">
You can use relative or absolute paths.
- When someone clicks on the link, the streaming file(s) begin to
download. The RealPlayer pops up and begins playing after a few
seconds; it does not need to wait for the entire file to be downloaded.
This information was copied from
You can download
RealProducer Basic
and use it to create .rm audio files.