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YOU ARE HERE: flash notes [macloo.com] URL: http://www.macloo.com/flashnotes.htm
It was about time for me to buckle down and learn some Flash stuff for real. So I bought some books, I took an online course, and I started trying to do some serious coordinated work in this application. Where did I get the music? From <Flashkit.com>: Where everyone gets Flash doodads when they need them in a pinch. I got some of the button sounds there, but others I found on other sites. They were all offered free.
Where did I get the graphics? I made them. The weird little desert plants are growing in my front yard. In real life, they are not purple. They are green. I took a digital photo and then did things to it in Photoshop.
The two things I learned the most about in making this Flash movie: (1) Sound files. (2) Getting movie clips to control other movie clips. This is also the first movie for which I built a preloader. Whee! But in the end I probably don't really need it, because the whole SWF file is only 56 KB.
The main timeline here is only 20 frames. I have about eight movie clips embedded in it (not counting the clips inside clips). If you have never used Flash, you don't know what the heck I'm talking about. But if you have never used Flash, why are you reading this? At first I put the music loop inside the movie, making the movie file size more than 200 KB. But then I used "attachSound" instead, and the file size went back to something reasonable.
When a movie clip ends, in some cases, it tells a different movie clip to start. Of course, if you've been using Flash for a long time, you're not one bit surprised by that. Where did I get the scrollbars? I made them myself! I used the code and advice I found at the <ActionScript Toolbox>, but then I modified them a little bit.
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