Simple Animation in Flash
The file size is 5 KB. There are 160 frames in this animation. With a frame rate of 12 fps that makes it about 13 seconds long. Scroll below the animation to see a list of elements used to create it.

> Flash Examples Index
> Open the simple animation in a new window.

1 boat
1 cloud
1 submarine periscope
1 wave
1 ocean

Movie Clips
1 ocean
1 cloud herd

End (text)
The (text)
1 frame:
stop ();

This animation demonstrates some of the cool (but simple) functionality of Flash.

  1. I made a symbol (graphic) out of the boat and then used six instances of that one symbol.
  2. I made a symbol (graphic) out of the cloud and then used the Free Transform Tool on it to make three different-looking clouds.
  3. The periscope is also one symbol (graphic). I used the Free Transform Tool to make it "turn" right and left.
  4. The ocean is a movie clip symbol. Four motion tweens (6 seconds each) loop forever to make it move continuously. The movie clip is in its own layer in the main movie.
  5. The clouds follow the same logic: They are a movie clip symbol, but with one long 50-second motion tween. This movie clip also loops forever. It too is in its own layer in the main movie.