This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.

September 23, 2005

StoryCorps, from NPR

I just heard one of these compelling audio stories on National Public Radio this morning. Then, later today, someone posted a link to a Listserv about online news.

Think about it: A good sound booth and two good mics. Two people, neither one a trained interviewer. But as my journalism students taught me just this past week, you really can piece together a good audio segment from almost anything -- so long as you can get someone to tell a good story.

These stories are really something. Not everyone can write well, but many people can tell a good story.

Posted by macloo at September 23, 2005 05:39 PM