This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.
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The Role of the Press
The Government Knew Marching on New Orleans Red Cross Reports on Itself This Choked Me Up
September 2005
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September 06, 2005The Government KnewThe National Weather Service knew how bad the storm damage would be before it hit. On Aug. 28, Sunday. They knew then. So why was our national government not prepared? Where was the head of FEMA when this message went out? Didn't anyone call him? Didn't anyone tell the President to get his people in gear for a major national disaster? If they did tell him, why didn't he act more quickly? (Maybe because he knew his buddy Trent Lott was not sitting there, about to get smashed by the storm? After all, Trent Lott is representative of all other Americans, isn't he?) Why weren't the National Guard troops standing by, ready to rush in and help people in need as soon as the worst danger was over? Comments