This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.
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The Government Knew
Marching on New Orleans Red Cross Reports on Itself This Choked Me Up New Orleans: "Little Somalia"
September 2005
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September 06, 2005Marching on New Orleans[quote] The entire city of New Orleans is under evacuation orders. I just spoke to my friend Daniel in the Bywater (9th ward). He reports that unmarked police vehicles (cadillacs) are driving through the neighborhood with SWAT team police armed with ‘big black machine guns’ telling people through bullhorns they are under orders to evacuate and must leave the city now. People in that neighborhood are being told to go to the big pool on the corner of Lesseps and St. Claude (this is one block from my house) to be airlifted out, tho people are allowed to leave by their own means if they can. He reports helicopters all over the place of all kinds - everything from large Army helicopters with guns to Red Cross helicopters - they are swooping down low in the neighborhood and ‘buzzing’ houses - he said one just flew low enough over him to blow shingles off the roof. He is starting to see National Guardsmen marching through the streets with guns to make sure people obey evacuation orders. [end quote] More at Posted there on Sept. 5, 2005. I cannot imagine how scary this must be. I mean, you lost your house, you lost everything you own in the world, and now soldiers are marching down your street. This has happened to many people in many other countries around the world, of course. Usually during a war, or during a foreign occupation. Comments