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April 01, 2005Movies in MalaysiaOn Wednesday, the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia had a dinner for all the U.S. Fulbrighters here. It was a very enjoyable group for conversation. One of the topics was VCDs and the pirate video business. In my digging around for information about Malaysian movies, I discovered one of the best Malaysian Web sites (in English) I've seen yet, Windows to Malaysia, and their Brief History of Film in Malaysia. (The home page for Windows to Malaysia is actually terrible, but the interior pages are excellent. The content is clearly backed by the government, but you can fill in the obvious gaps elsewhere.) The other key to the story of "What happened to Malay movies?" (as one character in Sepet asks another) -- apart from P. Ramlee (who died in 1973) -- is the Shaw Brothers. Yes, Run Run and Run Me Shaw, much more famous today for their Hong Kong movie studio, from which came many great kung fu movies in the 1960s and '70s. The Shaw Brothers got their start in Shanghai but soon moved to Singapore, and their studio there, Malay Film Productions, produced the best of the famous P. Ramlee movies. They had a sweet setup like the Hollywood studios, with their own movie theaters (typically called cinema halls here) that showed only their movies. When the sweet deal went sour (similar to the demise of the studio system in Hollywood), the Shaw Brothers packed up and moved to Hong Kong. After 1964, P. Ramlee continued to make movies at Studio Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur, but the consensus seems to be that his films for the Shaw Brothers were his best. Comments