This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.
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March 07, 2005ElephantsOn Saturday MACEE took all the "Fulbrighters" on a day trip to the Kuala Gandah elephant sanctuary in the state of Pahang. We took a very beautiful drive through the hills east of KL and then drove quite a ways down a dirt road. It was very different from my 2001 visit to the elephant conservation area in northern Thailand. Here we got to have a lot of interaction with the elephants (only four of them, compared with about 20 in Thailand). Very enjoyable! Now I have put my hand inside an elephant's mouth, and I have held the end of an elephant's trunk in my hands. I have posted 13 photos at Flickr. I have also ridden bareback on an elephant. I posted a short slideshow, which may stall if your connection is slow. Just Reload/Refresh if that happens. Comments