This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.
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September 27, 2004Terra IncognitaSome work on the Flash journalism book, some surfing, and there I was on the home page of Terra Incognita. Sometimes it's nice to review things you know. It's easy to find these sites at Interactive Narratives, but I do not always remember that the same design firm produced, for example, African Voices (2001) and a current favorite of mine, Cycles (2004). Both for museums. Both about Africa. What a difference three years can make! Then there is the wonderful Lewis and Clark package -- one of dozens that were produced for the anniversary. The intro to this really nails it -- such an evocative Ken Burns type of opening scene. Very appropriate here. And yet ... so much text, so much to read. I'm still not crazy about the idea of cramming all that text into a Flash package. Someday I will learn how they do that super-zoom effect with the photos. It's so awesome! New info: It is probably Zoomify! Comments