This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.

June 09, 2001

610 Billion E-mails

Another quote from the Berkeley study cited below: "[A]bout 500 times as much email is being produced per year as the stock of Web pages. It appears that about 610 billion emails are sent per year, compared to 2.1 billion static Web pages." Now, maybe this counts as useless data that cannot be transformed into information (let alone knowledge or wisdom), and it's not a staggering surprise that there are more e-mails than Web pages. What is interesting is how much hype is devoted to Web sites and companies in comparison to relatively little excitement about e-mail. E-mail, however, is changing human communication around the whole world -- changing who we know, and how we relate to and interact with them.

Posted by macloo at June 9, 2001 10:32 AM
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