This Weblog comes from Mindy McAdams and resides at It's a personal blog and probably not of much interest to anyone but me. You are welcome to read and comment as you like.
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August 31, 2001Wrap-up on Drudge LawsuitThe Blumenthal-Drudge case, now concluded, is described in full in "If This Ain't Libel ..." by Roger Parloff, Brill's Content, Fall 2001 (v.4, n.6), pp. 94-113. I'm really happy to have the story of this lawsuit and its origin (on Drudge's Web site in 1997) wrapped up in a tidy package, at last, because it raises a lot of important points for discussion. These include:
I prefer to discuss Matt Drudge as a journalist -- not a very careful one, but a journalist all the same. Journalists employed by newspapers and TV news stations have made and will make the same kinds of mistakes he has made. Comments
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